Shengha Chutney, also popular by the name Peanut Chutney or Groundnut Chutney, is known to be a great delectable as it can add flavor to any delicacy with its crunchy mouth-feel and vibrant flavor.
A great condiment of North Karnataka & Maharashtra, this authentic chutney is grounded with peanuts and various other spices and masalas to bring out the best flavor.
- This Chutney can be enjoyed as a great side dish with Rotti, Chapati with Curd, or Ghee.
- Use it mixed with Yoghurt or Oil or Ghee- as a Condiment to any Indian Meal. As a Flavor enhancer to Chaat, Poha, Murmura, and other snacks.
- Eat with Idli, Dosa, Paratha, Cheela, Bread, and anything else your heart desires.
- Shenga Chutney mixed with rice and ghee is an all-time Favorite.
- Shenga Chutney with butter and Toast- Breakfast Favorite
Options are endless with this versatile powder.
Ingredients Used for Shenga Chutney:
- Peanut/groundnut/shenga/kadlekai
- Red chili powder
- Garlic cloves
- Curry leaves
- Sugar
- Oil
Shelf Life: 15 days to 1 month
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